How to give to Smith

To donate by credit card online:

  • Go to
  • Click on MAKE A GIFT. It will take you to  a new page.
  • Choose or enter an amount and click GIVE.
  • The system will show a new set of questions:
    • Specify a designation: Click the box if you wish to designate a specific fund (it will show you a list).  If you want to donate to our special class fund “Emergency Fund for Women of Color” (which won’t appear in the standard list), enter it under Special Instructions described below.  Choose the unrestricted Smith Fund if you have no particular preference about how your donation is used.
    • Give in honor of or memory of: Click the box if you wish your donation to be made in honor of or in memory of a person.  It will provide a box for you to enter the name.
    • Special Instructions: Enter Class of 1974 to ensure that our class gift receives credit for your donation. 
    • Click GIVE (AMOUNT) to continue
  • Enter your contact information and billing information on the next pages and submit your donation.

To donate by credit card by phone:

Call 800-241-2056, option #1 during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

To donate by check:

As of March 2019 the address is:

The Smith Fund
Smith College Gift Accounting
Stoddard Annex, 23 Elm Street
Northampton, MA 01063

  • Include CLASS of 1974 on the check memo line to ensure that our class gift receives credit for your donation.